Property Owners


Engagement with Property Owners

Our strategic engagement with key property owners has paid dividends in terms of helping to deliver our own THI Phase II and, simultaneously in addressing a serious buildings at risk issue in Derry~Londonderry.

Inner City Trust

Derry’s second most important old building inside the walls, the original Custom’s House, had been vacant and at risk for some time.  Following an invitation from Inner City Trust’s Managing Director, Helen Quigley, we made a presentation to the Inner City Trust board in which we highlighted the THI grants programme and also serious extent of buildings at risk in the city.  As part of this we emphasises the role for significant property owners to play an active role in rescuing our important heritage for posterity.

Insert image ref P1050921  Former Custom’s House, Derry

Following this ICT moved pro-actively to purchase the former Custom’s House; two other THI grant eligible, historic properties at No 25 and 14a Shipquay Street;  as well as the former Northern Counties Club in Bishop Street.


Insert Image refs P1050926  Former Northern Counties Club, Bishop Street

Invited to advise the Trust on potential suitable uses for the building and its preparations for a Heritage Dragon’s event in London, we were delighted to learn that the Trust had received ten days free consultancy advice and, subsequently, a valuable HLF Heritage Enterprise grant of c £750,000 towards the building’s repair and refurbishment.


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P1050923 No 25 Shipquay Street, THI grant eligible