Northern Counties

Project Info

Construction Date circa 1899
NIEA Listing Listed Grade B1
Project Value Circa £2,415,000.00
Completion Date April 2009
Architect Tracey Architects
Property Description:
The property comprises a symmetrical red brick block with high end gables and an extravagant five bay arcade between. The central arcade is deeply recessed to allow balconies at second floor level. A smaller return wing fronts onto Custom House Street comprising a single bay arcade between the high end gables.
Prior to refurbishment the property was vacant, and in an extremely poor state of repair both internally and externally.

Waterloo Place was laid out as part of the early development of the west bank of the river in the early 19th century. The use of the original buildings on the site is unknown however these may have been service buildings relating to the adjacent waterfront.
The Northern Counties Building was designed by Albert Foreman for a Mrs Gibson, the owner of the former Northern Hotel located within the city walls at lower Magazine Street.

Description of Works:

Repair of external fabric, reinstatement of architectural detail and re-use of historic floorspace to comprise;

  • Structural repair and consolidation
    • Repair and re-point brickwork and external render repairs
    • Reinstatement and repair of architectural detail including shop fronts
    • Re-roofing including renewal of slate and lead work
    • Repair and refurbishment of existing windows
    • Internal refurbishment and re-ordering to comprise;
      • Rationalisation of layout to comply with current fire regulations
      • Repair and restoration of internal detail including cornice and ceiling  details
      • Reinstatement of architectural joinery detail including paneling
Use Upon Completion:
The Completed Property Comprises;
  • 4No. Retail Units
  • 1,400 m² Office Accommodation

Phase 1 THI Completions


Restoration, Repair & Reinstatement of Architectural Detail

Northern Counties Prior to Townscape Heritage Initiative

Northern Counties After Townscape Heritage Initiative